How YouTube can be useful for getting more views on your own videos

YouTube is a popular online platform that allows users to upload, watch, and share videos on various topics. One of the goals that many users have on YouTube is to get more views on their own videos, which can help them build an audience, showcase their talents, share their message, or earn money.

Getting more views on YouTube can be challenging, as there is a lot of competition and noise on the platform. However, there are some strategies and techniques that users can apply to increase their chances of attracting more viewers and growing their channel.

YouTube can offer several benefits for users who want to get more views on their own videos, such as:

  • Analytics. YouTube provides users with various tools and metrics that can help them measure and improve their performance on the platform. Users can access YouTube Analytics to see how their videos are performing in terms of views, watch time, impressions, click-through rate, retention, engagement, revenue, and more. Users can also use YouTube Studio to manage their channel, edit their videos, add features, and optimize their settings.
  • SEO. YouTube also allows users to optimize their videos for search engines, both on YouTube and Google. Users can use keywords, metadata, tags, descriptions, thumbnails, playlists, and captions to help their videos rank higher and get more exposure. Users can also use tools like vidIQ or TubeBuddy to conduct keyword research, analyze competitors, and get suggestions for optimization.
  • Promotion. YouTube also enables users to promote their videos to potential viewers, both on and off the platform. Users can use features like cards, end screens, watermarks, stories, shorts, and community posts to direct traffic to their videos from other sources. Users can also use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Quora, or forums to share their videos with relevant audiences and generate interest.

How to use YouTube for getting more views on your own videos

To use YouTube for getting more views on your own videos, users need to have access to a device that can record and upload videos, such as a camera, smartphone, tablet, or computer. Users also need to have an internet connection that can upload the videos without interruption.

To create and upload videos on YouTube that can get more views, users can follow these steps:

  1. Go to or open the YouTube app on the device.
  2. Sign in with your Google account or create one if you don’t have one already.
  3. Click on the camera icon at the top right corner of the screen and select Upload video.
  4. Choose a video file from your device or record a new one using the camera app.
  5. While the video is uploading, fill in the title, description, tags, thumbnail, playlist, category, language, and other settings ⚙️ for your video. Use keywords and metadata that are relevant to your topic and audience.
  6. Click on Next and choose whether you want to add any features like cards, end screens, subtitles, or audio tracks to your video.
  7. Click on Next again and select the visibility option for your video: Public, Unlisted, Private, or Scheduled ⏰ . Public videos are visible to anyone on YouTube; Unlisted videos are visible only to people who have the link; Private videos are visible only to you; Scheduled videos are published at a specific date and time.
  8. Click on Save or Publish and wait for your video to finish processing.
  9. Share your video link with your friends, followers, or other platforms.

Tips and tricks for using YouTube for getting more views on your own videos

To make the most out of YouTube for getting more views on your own videos, users can also follow these tips and tricks:

  • Create compelling content. The most important factor for getting more views on YouTube is creating content that is valuable, engaging, entertaining, or informative for your target audience. You should create content that solves a problem, answers a question ❓ , teaches a skill, tells a story, or sparks an emotion for your viewers. You should also create content that is unique ✨ , original, or different from what others are doing in your niche.
  • Encourage viewers to subscribe. One of the best ways to get more views on YouTube is to get more subscribers who will watch your videos regularly and support your channel. You should encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel by asking them politely at the beginning or end of your video, or using a watermark or a card that links to your channel. You should also provide value and incentives for your subscribers, such as exclusive content, giveaways, shoutouts, or discounts.
  • Boost your video title CTR. Another way to get more views on YouTube is to increase your click-through rate (CTR), which is the percentage of people who see your video thumbnail and title and click on it. You should craft a catchy and compelling title that makes people want to click on it and watch your video. You should also use keywords that are relevant to your topic and audience, and avoid misleading or clickbait titles that may disappoint or annoy your viewers.
  • Get more “Suggested Video” views. One of the main sources of views on YouTube is the “Suggested Video” section, which is the list of videos that appear next to or below the video that you are watching. You can increase your chances of getting featured in this section by using metadata that matches or complements the videos that you want to be suggested after. You can also use tools like vidIQ or TubeBuddy to analyze the metadata of popular videos in your niche and optimize yours accordingly.
  • Rank your videos in Google Search. Another source of views on YouTube is Google Search, which is the world’s most popular search engine. You can rank your videos higher in Google Search by optimizing them for SEO (search engine optimization). You should use keywords that are relevant to your topic and audience, and include them in your title, description, tags , and captions. You should also create videos that answer common questions ❓ , provide useful information, or show how-to tutorials  that people may search for on Google.


YouTube can be a useful and convenient platform for getting more views on your own videos. Users can use analytics, SEO, and promotion to increase their exposure and reach on the platform. Users can also create and upload videos that are valuable, engaging, entertaining, or informative for their target audience. However, users should also create compelling content, encourage viewers to subscribe, boost their video title CTR, get more “Suggested Video” views, and rank their videos in Google Search.


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